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We have provided mining clients with area wide Lidar to help them plot their geological data, compare the inferred ore body to surface features and to plan infrastructure such as highway and rail access. Plus we have set-out, surveyed and coordinated existing borehole locations. Aerial Lidar surveys will ‘see’ through tree cover and we can map the true ground shape below forest cover, saving greatly in comparison to ground based methods.

Development & Infrastructure

Our survey work has assisted clients in the detailed design of mine access routes via road and rail. The survey work of Topomaster Limited has also informed decisions on the location and design of mine site airfields, ports and loading facilities. Long distance transport of ore via pipeline slurries and conveyor or overhead cable systems will benefit greatly from aerial Lidar and land surveys.


Using ground based scanners or UAV (drone) technology rapid updates can be provided for all open cast mining and quarrying operations. Overburden and mineral reserve calculations can be computed with better accuracy using these remote surveying methods. Slope stability can be permanently monitored.


We can provide survey services for ongoing mining operations, but also for historic workings that may be re-opened or are in close (but unknown) proximity to new workings and to help avoid exploration boreholes striking extant underground workings. Shafts, stopes, incline roadways and development driveways can be surveyed and/or set-out. Laser scanning of specific locations can assist with ore reserve calculations and pillar stress analysis.  Over and under-break during driveway development can be accurately measured and cost savings made by optimising the blast patterns and waste rock transport.

Mineral Processing

The complex process plant installed on modern mining sites can benefit from full 3D modelling as the base layer for efficient asset management software tools. We can survey tailings dams using mini remote control survey vessels and monitor tailings dam stability and movement over time. Topomaster can also survey long distance conveyor transport routes.

Stockpile volumes

Mobile scanning and UAV or drone survey methods provide rapid and cost effective ways of computing stockpile volumes outdoors and inside silos or warehouse storage sheds.


The latest innovative rapid surveys using hand held mobile laser scanning methods can prove a valuable tool to confirm the layout and extents of all workings and plant assets for due diligence purposes, prior to purchase.

If you would like to learn more about our mining surveys team, please visit our dedicated website or contact us today.