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3D Mesh Models

3D Mesh Models

3D mesh modelling is a product we can offer to the clients who require a vector representation of an irregular or organically shaped object. It is because we are able to convert point cloud or image into a mesh. As a result, from the mesh we generate a surface created by triangles (see example). However, it is very important that user defines what the level of detail represented in the model would be required. It is necessary because more details means the smaller the triangles, denser the model and the larger the file.
We will work with the client to understand its specific needs. That is because our goal is to create a balance between the level of detail and a file size that remains practical and usable.

It is possible to apply true colour to a mesh. To obtain this option, at quotation stage it needs to be specified that a coloured point cloud or HD imagery will be required. As a result, the process of converting a point cloud to mesh as well as images to mesh, leads to creating a 3D photorealistic models.